Sun, Jan 22, 23.

Appearing before God.

  1. God required that all the males appear before Him three times a year [Exo 23:17; Deu 16:16].
  2. They were not to appear before God empty but were to come with gifts according to what they had [Deu 16:16].
  3. God required weekly convocation of the people of Israel [Lev 23:3].
  4. The sons of God (Angels) gathered together (in heaven) to present themselves before Him [Job 1:6].
  5. God promised that no one would attack Israel while they gathered before Him.
  6. Presenting oneself to God is an act worship.
  7. When we present ourselves before God, He remembers us.
  8. God commands us to remind Him of the good we have done. When we come before Him, we should let Him know that we are doing so in obedience to His commands [Deu 26:11-15].
  9. We should come purposefully to God’s presence.
  10. We should not come into God’s presence empty handed [Deu 16:16]. Gifts do not necessarily refer to material gifts – although those a accepted by God – but they could also refer to good deeds and service to God.